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Roguelike game architecture in Rust 1 - The utility layer

2015-03-21 | computing, gamedev, rust, deprecated

I started looking into Mozilla's Rust programming language around Summer 2013 and had gotten comfortable enough with it by the start of 2014 to start a more focused game development project. Currently the project repository is at

The project started out with miscellaneous rendering code and the idea of making small test programs for various features and then consolidating the code used for them into a library. The more librarizable components ended up split into the Calx grab-bag game library repository.

The Magog game part is the Generic Fantasy Roguelike that I mess with while working on my technology stack.

Calx utilities crate

Calx utilities are the most generic level of reusable random stuff.

There's yet another vector type that uses tuple struct syntax for concise literals. I also needed a custom trait for it to be able to talk about element types you can do math on, since the generic math primitive trait containing both floats and ints was dropped from the Rust standard libraries at some point.

I also wanted to save a random number generator's internal state in my save games to get games that always play the same way with the same initial RNG seed. The standard library RNGs don't support serialization or state dumping, so I made a wrapper that dumps the RNG's bytes into a serialization container in an unsafe block.

There's a texture atlas generator and image operations which you can use to set a color key for transparent pixels and then strip the fully transparent borders from images before packing them into the atlas. This lets me draw my sprites in a loose regular grid and then get an efficient atlas texture out of them at runtime.

The game graphics are grayscale pixel art I draw with grafx2 and that gets colorized with a single hue when drawn at runtime.

There's also a compact implementation of a Dijkstra map for in-game pathfinding.

Calx rendering backend

The rendering backend is implemented on top of Glutin and Glium and is based on the Canvas type. An instantiated Canvas sets up a window and provides OpenGL shader based rendering for the pixel art sprites. Canvas uses a builder pattern where you can set up the application properties like window size using a fluent API and then provides an iterator interface that yields input events and render callbacks. The current iterator design is maybe not quite ideal, since it sometimes leads to convoluted user code when an input event should lead to an immediate action on the render callback, and the user code needs to then set up a local flag that will be checked when it receives the next render event.

The primitive draw operation draws textured and vertex-colorized triangles using the one atlas texture. All the graphics use the single atlas and draw either single-color bitmap sprites or solid-color polygons. The CanvasUtil trait provides utility functions like drawing specific sprites or geometric shapes that can be implemented on top of the base Canvas interface without knowing anything about its internals.

The backend renders to a texture. To keep the pixel art aesthetics consistent, I like having the logical resolution stay constant. The target texture is then scaled up to fit the actual window. The current design only magnifies the graphics by integer multiples so that all the magnified pixels will be the same size. The default 640x360 resolution is picked to scale neatly into 720p and 1080p TV resolutions.

I use a Colemak keyboard layout, so I need to have the position-based QWEASD movement keys be read from the hardware keyboard scancodes instead of the layout input. The scancode modules store the standard mappings from scancodes to keys for Linux, Windows and OS X. I'm not quite sure where I originally got the key lists from, possibly from the DosBox source code.

The event system is pretty much just implementing my own flavor on top of what comes out of Glutin, maybe it would've been better to just try to push the scancode translation to Glutin and use Glutin's event type directly. On the other hand, I'm not completely sure the scancode stuff is completely correct, so I'm wary about pushing it into a general-use crate. I don't have a Mac to test the OS X branch with for example.

The backend also renders a variable width bitmap font. There's no TTF importer, it's just hand-drawn sprites.

At this point there's enough machinery to start a window, read user input and draw animated colorful graphics and text on the screen. Next there needs to be an actual game program that uses this layer.